A preview of NovoServe

A preview of NovoServe

by Dewey


At NovoServe we always look forward instead of backwards. So we will anticipate our customers' needs and how the markets move. That is why we think it is important to be present at events where other pioneers are also present, such as NAB show.


NAB show is an immense event in Las Vegas, featuring all the latest developments in streaming, backups, drones, media servers and more. In short, everything related to the creation and distribution of content.


A world in which we feel comfortable because of the high-quality hosting that we offer for parties such as CeeBlue.


Now this world is also changing rapidly and we are moving along with it.


Our technical teams are very adept at improving the hosting experience of major content creators. We are especially praised for our proactive and innovative character. Combined with our network and our extensive knowledge. And with the expansion of our company through the acquisition of YISP, our quality and reach are even better.


While large parties such as Amazon, who only offer help when the revenue of a specific client exceeds a certain amount, we know that short lines and quick coordination are very important for our customers. 


We also saw this at NAB, where you really couldn't ignore the big parties, but you might want to because you don't want to be just a number at a large company.


If you want to be a frontrunner in this industry, a proactive and reliable hosting partner will make the difference. So don’t just focus on company size or the brand, but really make sure you have the right partner for the future of your company. 


The market for streaming, content and storing this content is far from at its peak. So find the right partners and start riding this wave. 


Would you like to discuss our solutions for streaming parties? Get in touch with us.



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